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It was so simple to use I decided to get a domain, ssl and web hosting. It all worked and was up and running very quickly. I would recommend. The support team contacted me a day after my purchase to make sure I was happy with everything and asking if I needed help and they seemed nice.
I wanted the unlimited web hosting because I wasnt sure how much storage I would need, I then found out they had a discount where if you used code KickStart it gave you a free .com domain which was very useful for starting my website so it might help you as well.
Amazing Product for such a cheap price; staff are really friendly and provide great customer support that's almost instant. Proud to be using the game servers from ABR as they really are something else as it's fully customisable and the staff help with installations so you don't break it :D
Amazing company who provides really good services. Easy to setup everything, and instant live support. As a gamer I am, I would recomend it to every one who wants a gameserver. Besides the great quality of the servers, I reinforce the live support and how friendly staff is. Thank you!
When I wanted to create a quick blog ABR was the place to go. I registered a domain and then got my hosting in a matter of minutes. Haven't dealt with support so can't comment on that but it's a great site. Hosting works well and I have nothing negative to say about them.
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