Why is my website down? Print

  • Web Hosting, nameservers
  • 6

Domains are connected to the web hosting we offer through nameservers. To learn more about nameservers click here.
When you buy a domain through us it will by default it will be configured to use our web hosting. This can be changed after purchase if you wish to use another hosting provider. However if you purchased your domain elsewhere and have made the smart choice of using ABR Hosting as your web hosting provider then you will need to change your namesevers to point to our servers, you can learn how to do that here.

So why is my website down?

There are many reasons that your website might be down, in this article we are going to outline some of the common reasons and steps we can take to fix them. As always if you are having any issues with your service then you can contact our support team.

DNS Related Issue

There are many reasons that you might experience a DNS related issue. On cPanel you can access the Zone Editor feature through the domains category. This feature will allow you to create, modify and delete DNS zone records.

HTTP Errors

500 Internal Sever Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition. This error appears when the sever is unable to gather any specific information about the problem. Helpful right. This often occurs when an application request cannot be fulfilled due to a misconfiguration. If you receive this then contact support for investigation.

404 Not Found - The web server did not find a requested file. This commonly occurs when a URL has been mistyped, or the address did once exist but the file has been renamed or removed.

403 Forbidden - The file exists however due to the permissions associated with the file the visitor is unable to view it. If this is an error then file permissions can be changed through your File Manager on cPanel.

504  Gateway Timeout - The server didn't receive a response from an upstream server quick enough, this is usually temporary and will be resolved on its own.

Issues with the .htaccess file

When Apache processes a file request, it searches for a .htaccess file in the file's directory. If one is found then it is read and used to modify requests based on the rules provided within the file. You can learn more about .htaccess files by clicking here.

Maintenance and Network Issues

We know it can be annoying but if there is scheduled maintenance on a server then when visiting your site you might instead be told about maintenance instead. This allows us to perform upgrades, hardware repairs and other necessary work. It is very rare that maintenance results in us having to restrict site access however the presentation of the notice reassures users that the outage isn't due to an unexpected failure or issue.

Maintenance and network issues are all monitored and announced through our support portal. To view them you must be logged in, they are all listed through in the network status tab. Additionally an email will be sent from the myABR Support team via our 'no-reply' email updates channel. If you experience an undocumented server issue then please contact support immediately.

Abuse Policy

We have an open 24 hour separate abuse line that can be contacted via email at: abuse@abrhosting.com

Abuse reports are to tell us about something we might not have seen happening and shouldn't be on our servers. These include but are not limited to:

  • Phishing and Malware
  • Violent Threats and Harassment
  • Trademark Infringement
  • Copyright Infringement and DMCA Violations
  • Non-Consensual Sexually Explicit Imagery
  • Child Sexual Abuse Material

The abuse report address is also open to report abuse of domain registration, this includes: Trademark compliance and Inaccurate WHOIS data.

Something we haven't listed here, tell us via our support lines. Remember if you need any support with an ABR Hosting product we are here to help so don't hasten to contact us.

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