How to configure nameservers? Print

  • Web Hosting, nameservers, domains, DNS
  • 67

Namesevers are like digital address books for the internet. They translate human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. This is crucial for web hosting, as it allows users to access websites using easy-to-remember domain names instead of complex IP addresses.

The Role of Nameservers in Web Hosting:

  1. Domain Name Resolution:

    • When a user types a domain name into their web browser, the browser sends a query to a DNS resolver.
    • The DNS resolver then contacts the nameserver associated with that domain.
    • The nameserver provides the corresponding IP address for the domain.
    • The browser can then connect to the web server at that IP address to retrieve the website's content.
  2. Pointing to Web Servers:

    • A web hosting provider assigns an IP address to your website's files.
    • The nameserver for your domain is configured to point to that IP address.
    • This ensures that when someone types your domain name, they are directed to the correct web server.
  3. Managing Multiple Domains:

    • A single nameserver can manage multiple domains.
    • This allows web hosting providers to efficiently manage and maintain the DNS records for their customers' websites.

Integration with Web Hosting Control Panels

  • Most web hosting control panels (like cPanel) provide tools for managing DNS records.
  • You can use these tools to configure nameservers, create DNS records (like A, CNAME, MX, and TXT records), and manage your domain's DNS settings.

ABR Hosting Nameservers


If you have registered your domain with us (which we suggest you do here) then you will already be setup with our cPanel nameserver. However if you registered your domain elsewhere then you will need to use their provided control panel, navigate to the namesever configuration and input the following nameservers:


This will not instantly point your domain to our web servers. There is a propagation process, this is the time it takes for the updated DNS information to spread across the global internet. There is no exact time frame for propagation due to the multiple factors that effect it but an update can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for the changes to be reflected globally.

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